Catherine Parenteau
Ranked #2 in the world, Catherine Parenteau, 29, is one of today’s most well-known players in Professional Pickleball. Previously ranked top 5 for tennis in Canada, Catherine now travels nationwide to compete in the biggest Professional Pickleball tournaments.
Irina Tereschenko
Irina Tereschenko has been a top-ranked female professional pickleball player in all divisions since 2013 and reached a career high #1singles rankings in 2019. Irina played #1 singles and doubles for the Texas Tech Red Raiders and completed both undergraduate (Advertising) and graduate ( Sport Management) degrees. Irina went on to coaching Division I college tennis at Texas Tech and The University of Washington and high-performance juniors.
Thomas Wilson
Thomas was born and raised in San Antonio, TX, he played every sport possible until finally focusing on tennis. He played college tennis at Purdue and The University of Texas at Austin, where he majored in psychology and business.Thomas finished Top 13 in the world pickleball rankings for 2022.
Julian Arnold
Julian Arnold is a fiery Pickleball player who’s known for his passion and “ANDIAMO!” expression on the court. Born in San Luis Obispo, CA, Arnold has been playing tennis since the age of 7. He played Tennis at UCLA and was a tennis instructor for 9 years. Arnold started playing pickleball a year ago and has been dedicated to it full-time for the last 6 months.